Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 2: Where you'd like to be in 10 years

First I would love to be in my dream job which is a child-life specialist. I would like to be working at Primary Children's Medical Center but would settle for any children's hospital. I would like to still be volunteering at Make-A-Wish Foundation of Utah as a wish granter, right now I am a wish magician. I would like to be married to a great guy and have at least one child of my own. I would like to own my own house, at least a four bedroom with a large kitchen, 2 and 1/2 baths, a huge walk-in closet in my bedroom, a yard for my kid/s to play in, a couple of dogs and a cat or two. That's where I would like to be in 10 years.


  1. Which bedroom is mine? Never mind, I want the one with the walk in closet and the separate bathroom. Hope you don't mind!!

  2. That would be mine but I would have my husband build you a big walk-in closet of your own
