Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 1: Your current relationship

This one I am suppose to discuss my current relationship or since I am single discuss being single. I am currently single but am looking for my frog prince. There are advantages to being single. For one I am currently trying to finish my schooling at the end of which I have to do an internship which I may have to go out of state for. I do wish I was in a current relationship but I know I will find the right person when the time is right. I do feel a little lonely sometimes when I see my friends and family with their spouses and family they are building but I am happy for them for finding that special person to spend their life with. I know the person who is right for me is out there somewhere and we will find each other when the time is right but until then I am happy being me and doing what I am to better myself and hopefully in the end have the career I am dreaming of. I am happy where I am right now in life. I love life and love the people that are in my life.

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