Sunday, October 13, 2013


So, I want to give a rundown of what has been going on with me work wise since I noticed that I haven't posted anything about work since I posted back at the beginning of the year of 2011. 
So, to start out I was laid off from my job at Emeritus (Brighton Gardens) on September 26, 2011. I remember the date because I also had my first appointment with my new reproductive endocrinologist where we just went over my medical history and family history. The 28th I had another appointment where he did a physical and set up tests to be done (they had to be done because my insurance wouldn't be paid for anymore by the end of the week and I would have to start paying for it through cobra). I had a Pap smear done that day and the next day was the crazy day. I woke up early and went and had blood drawn because one of the blood tests had to be done at precisely 8:00 in the morning then I went to the doctors office to do the gtt ( glucose tolerance test), then back to campus for classes, had to leave my last class to go back to get more blood drawn for the second time because the same blood test that had to be done at precisely 8:00 in the morning had to be done again precisely 4:00 in the afternoon then upstairs for the ultrasound of my thyroid. I had an appointment for Monday the 3rd of October to find out the results of the tests. I found out that my body was a mess. I found out that I had type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and nodules on my left and right thyroid glands. The 3 on the left are just itty bitty and didn't need to be worried about but the one on the right was big and needed to be biopsed. That was fun, not. They use the ultrasound to find it, numb the area with novacaine, then take a needle and stick it your neck to get a piece of the the nodule to biopsy. By the way the novacaine doesn't numb that far down. I'm only telling you this so you know how bad my week was because not only did I get laid off but I was told that my body was a mess and if we didn't get started on fixing it I wouldn't live very long. So, I started the search for a new job and in February of 2012 I got one working at Avalon Valley. It was not my favorite place to work and I was stressed a lot of the time I worked there. I found a second job this past August (2013) working for a home health company which I love. About two weeks ago (Monday through Thursday because I worked graveyard Thursday night at Avalon) I had to take care of two ladies (friends living together) because their regular aide was on vacation. Well on Tuesday when I arrived one of them was sick, she told me that she had been vomiting all night. I took care of her and made sure I washed my hands and used hand sanitizer to be safe. Wednesday was the same, she was still sick. That night my stepdad told me we were on our own for dinner because my mom would be working late so he gave me a can of soup I could make for myself and he made himself some soup. I never made my soup because I started to feel very nauseous and nothing sounded good to eat not even soup. I started to vomit that night. I called my home health company and let them know so they could find help me find someone to cover and then called Avalon. I talked to Amy the ADON (assistant director of nursing) and let her know that I had been vomiting and a fever of 103.2. She told me not to come in and asked me to help her find someone to cover. Later she texted me to tell me to make sure I got a doctors note. I went the next day to the urgent care clinic and was told I had a flu bug that was going around and that it lasted around 3 to 5 days and that I couldn't work. So I called Avalon again to let them know and this time I talked to Natalie the CNA coordinator. She told me I had to find someone to cover or come in sick and where a mask. I have to add at this point I was weak and shaky and probably should not have driven myself to the clinic but only did so because I was told I needed the doctors note, I only say this because I didn't know how she expected me to take care of 25 elderly patients when I could barely stand myself up to take care of myself. I called my mom and she could tell that I was upset even though I had calmed myself down to call and talk to her.     I told her what Natalie had said and said at this point I just want to quit. She told me that she normally doesn't condone quitting without two weeks notice but in this case she did. I called Natalie back after talking to my home health job to see if I could get more hours. She told me that she got it covered if that is why I was calling and I told her that I wasn't calling for that. That I was calling to tell her I quit and she asked me if I was going to give her two weeks notice and I told her no. She asked me why and I told her because you told me that if I couldn't get my shift covered I had to come in sick and wear a mask when I have a doctors note saying I cannot work and I can barely take care of myself let alone 25 other people plus all the stress you cause me. At that point she started crying and hung up the phone. Since then she has only talked to me through text. I am not upset at all for quitting that job. I hated it. I loved my patients there and most of my coworkers but not the way I was treated by Natalie. I didn't want it on my conscious if I got one of my patients sick, especially since the flu can kill a lot of them. Masks cannot prevent the spread of germs (plus I am allergic to the masks they use). I am happy at my new job, I really love it.