Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 3: Your to 5 pet peeves

The first would have to be spitting and spitting gum out on the sidewalk. I think it is disgusting. I don't want to walk in your spit or gum so please spit in your sink at home and spit your gum out in the trash can.
The second is the same as my moms, people not returning their carts to either the store or the cart corral. It is only a few feet people it won't hurt you to walk those few feet to put it away and guess what you can get some exercise in doing so.
The third is people not being courteous. If someone opens or holds open the door for you say thank you. If someone lets you into traffic, simple wave of your hand to say thank you would be nice. Let someone into to traffic once in a while just to be nice. I could go on and on with this but won't.
The fourth is people who say rude things about people who are performing. I want to see if they can do that and if they are better then they can make critical remarks about the person performing. I can understand booing at sporting events but to say that person is terrible when they really aren't gets, on my nerves.
The fifth is hypocrites. I don't like people complaining about someone doing something and then they turn around and do they same thing and think it's alright for them to do it but it is not alright for someone else to do that same thing.
Anyway those are my top 5 pet peeves.


  1. Stinkin' carpet people drive me crazy too! Good list!!

  2. I thought about that when I was typing it. Made me giggle thinking about it.
